Spongebob special!

so i was intern at strip club when a dvd popped out of a girls boobs. i put it on TV it was called SPONGEBOB SPOOKY SCARY SHIT SPECIAL!!! lol everything startz with S so i put vhs in THE WRONG WAY and it showed this beast!!!
it started with spongebob at the krusty krab drinking some beer through a box. then evil patrixx flew to spongebob on his magical gay seahorse. evil patrixx told spongebob "truth or dare". spongebob laughed for 30 seconds then drew a nazi symbol on his tounge with a sharpy then said "dare!". evil patrixx said "kill yourself!!!". spongebob then looked angry and he fell inside a small whole that lead to a floor with the super mario bros game over music.
later that day
spongebob was in squidwards house. spongebob grabbed a gun and pointed it at his head. evil patrixx quickly ran over there saying "whoa! what the hell are you doing?! i was joking!" spongebob and evil patrixx started laughing and drunk some beer and smoked weed. but spongebob then turned red angry and said "well don't joke with me you slut!" spongebob actually killed him self then. evil patrixx was in shock. evil patrixx said "oh well" and threw spongebobs body in the dumpster.
it then showed in spongebobs house where evil patrixx told patrick "spongebob was die" . patrick cried and evil patrixx said "are you done crying?". patrick pulled down his pants and said "yes! big boys don't cry!". patrick then pulled out his dong for some reason. evil patrixx was angry so he got scp 173. scp 173 killed patrick with a giant dildo. patrick screamed. evil patrixx then turned stronger and flew away.
it then showed mr crabs's house. squidward was on the computer watching some vines on youtube and squidward put a comment saying "thumbz up if your mom!" he then posted it. then a add popped up close to the video, the website said LOOK AT TITS!  FUCK SOME GIRLS TONIHGT! GET FREE VIRUSES AT www.boobies.net . squidward the porn addict he is clicked on it and masturbated then banged his boner on the laptop then threw it at the wall and humped the computer against the wall till sperm was all over the room and the computer screen was broke. apparently this was the halloween special for spongebob... fantastic!
it showed spongebob driving his car (or boat with wheels) spongebob was listening to awful rock music. then squidward popped a tire with his ass and said. bazuka penis activate!
squidwards dick then became a bazuka and shot spongebob and spongebob died. squidward then stole spongebobs car with the music "fuck the police coming straight for me"
any way send this to yo mama or else everytime you turn on your xbox there will be a giant hairy spider on it!!!!!!!!